On The Road Again: A Physical & Spiritual Journey

Peak fall colors adorn the trees outside as I sit quietly at my friend’s kitchen table. Tom’s out for a run, and I await the arrival of my little sister for one of our infrequent get-togethers. Three weeks of travel are almost complete: Nevada, California, New Mexico, and now, Minnesota. In the days to come, I will see my father, siblings, and BFF, but at the moment, my mind remains fixated on the last few days: we’ve just spent the weekend with Michael’s adoptive family and friends to honor ten years since Michael died.


Self-Doubt As A Writer & A Mother My first podcast interview went live in early July on Adoption: The Long View. I was thrilled Lori Holden, the podcast’s host, asked me to share my adoption story. I’d finished my manuscript in late 2020, begun querying agents while several beta readers Read more…