Thank you to everyone who has read, shared, and reviewed GOODBYE AGAIN over the past year and for the resounding acclaim…

Goodbye Again: A Memoir cover art. By Candace Cahill. A must-read!

“…a must-read!”

I am awed by the support and encouragement from other first parents, many of whom have reached out in solidarity and to express their gratitude for sharing my story. I hope that one day, everyone who has experienced the loss of a child, no matter how, will find comfort and understanding in their grief.

“As a first/birth mother, I understand the long-lasting trauma of losing your child to adoption. Candace’s story of working through grief and shame is an important addition to understanding the impact of adoption on all those involved.”

Kris Downey

I am humbled by the many adopted people who’ve extended kind words, shared their lived experiences with me, and, by extension, helped me heal. I continue to learn from you, and I thank you for your honesty, vulnerability, and bravery.

“No matter where you are in the adoption constellation you should read this book.”

Bradley J Ewell

Adoptive parents who’ve read Goodbye Again tell me my story helped them see more clearly the grief of relinquishment, and extended adoptive family members – many of whom never even considered the birth family’s experience – share a new-found understanding of what transpires before, during, and after an adoption is finalized. They finally realize that adoption is not a one-and-done deal; it is every day, forever.

“This is a must-read for those touched by adoption especially adoptive parents or those wishing to become adoptive parents.”

Stacy S.

Many strangers reached out to me after reading Goodbye Again, people not connected to adoption or child loss. I don’t know how they found Goodbye Again or why they chose to pick up a copy, but I am grateful they did. For every person who bears witness, I am hopeful that the next time someone speaks to them of adoption, perhaps they will view it with a wider perspective, one in which my story tempers the prevailing narrative that adoption is always beautiful. Perhaps they will take it further still and pick up an adopted person’s memoir, which can help them see the true life-long impacts of relinquishment and adoption.

“I was so incredibly moved by this very vulnerable and honest depiction of grief and sorrow. While I believe it will be immensely helpful to anyone who has experienced any end of adoption, birth mother or adoptee… this book is really for anyone who has experienced love and loss.”

Amazon Customer

Although my story is a singular experience, many aspects of it can teach people about the grief of child relinquishment, the complexities of reunion, the life-long impact of adoption on birth families, and the importance of true openness in adoption. I will continue to use my life experiences of grief and loss to educate, foster dialogue, and build understanding for those navigating relinquishment and adoption.

Until next time…



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